Advertise your job vacancies

Why not advertise your job vacancies directly to almost 700 contacts in the older people housing and support sector? Erosh can now advertise job vacancies on …

Members boost Welsh network

Erosh’s South Wales network is proving a success after its second meeting brought lively discussion for members. The event, held at RCT Homes in Pontypridd, saw …

Advertise your job vacancies

Why not advertise your job vacancies directly to almost 700 contacts in the older people housing and support sector? Erosh can now advertise job vacancies on …

What do you want to ask erosh?

One of services erosh offers through its new website is its ‘Ask erosh’ facility’. Both members and non-members can post a query here on anything to …

Local networks come together

Regional chairs and network representatives met inLondonon May 31 for their annual meeting. The event was well attended provided a valuable opportunity for network representatives to …

What do you want to ask erosh?

One of services erosh offers through its new website is its ‘Ask erosh’ facility. Both members and non-members can post a query here on anything to …